Privacy Policy and Returns Policy
Standard 14 day return policy: if you do not like / are not satisfied with an item within 7 days of receiving it, you can return the item for a refund or an exchange providing it is in a perfect and resalable condition. We understand you will have to take your purchase out of its box to try it, but the product must be returned in the condition it was received (with any songs etc removed). We reserve the right to refuse returned items or deduct a 10% restocking fee if they are not in a resalable condition when returned.
Manufacturer's warranty: out with this 14 day period, you are covered under the manufacturer's warranty which is typically 12 months. If your product becomes faulty during this period, you should contact us via e-mail, via the Support are a of our website. We will then arrange for your item to be repaired or replaced with a new product. If the product you purchased is no longer available, you will be provided with a new product of equal or superior value.
1. Orders.
Sphere Electronics will provide all products paid in full by you, the customer, within
an alotted time to allow for postage. We promise to provide the items to you as quickly
as possible. Your order may come direct from our suppliers. Your order will be processed after paypal transaction times, this may take a few days.
2. Your Information
We dont hold information regarding yourself and your orders via our website.
Your information will be held by paypal, you can read paypsals privacy statement here.
The only information we hold on you is if you join our mailing list, you can opt out any time by clicking the link on the bottom of any e-mails you get from us regarding our service and products.
3. Data Protection
Under the data protection act 1998. We keep all information we recieve away from any source or third party
or other, in the unlikely event of your details being given to a government source, you may be notified. Your details may be passed to our suppliers, if they ship to you directly, yet again all our suppliers deal under the data protection act 1998, protecting your information from other sources.
4. Returns Policy
In the unlikely event of a damaged item, please e-mail us the fault and your details to
We will probably ask you to return the item and we will replace it, your statutory rights
are not affected.
Unwanted items may be exchanged, please e-mail us for information.
Please also look at our FAQfor more information on our policies